E-vita open plus Stent Graft System - Graft, vascular, synthetic

Country: Awstralja

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Ixtrih issa

Disponibbli minn:

Cryolife Medical (Australia) Company Pty Ltd


Class III

Manifatturat minn:

Jotec GmbH Lotzenacker 23, Hechingen, 72379 Germany

Żona terapewtika:

35281 - Graft, vascular, synthetic

Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

The E-vita open plus delivery system with loaded stentgraft is introduced into the aorta through a median sternotomy using a guide wire and advanced up to the implantation site.The self-expanding mechanism of the E-vita open plus stentgraft is triggered by retracting the outer shell of the delivery system.The stentgraft adapts itself to the shape and size of the sealing zone. The E-vita open plus Stent Graft System is indicated for the treatment of aneurysms, dissections and specific lesions of the thoracic aorta.

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