Chewable Ginger

Country: Awstralja

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Ixtrih issa

Ingredjent attiv:

Zingiber officinale, Quantity: 20 mg (Equivalent: Zingiber officinale, Qty 500 mg)

Disponibbli minn:

Factors Group Australia Pty Ltd

Għamla farmaċewtika:

Tablet, chewable


Excipient Ingredients: magnesium stearate; stearic acid; microcrystalline cellulose; xylitol; Stevia rebaudiana; hyprolose

Rotta amministrattiva:


Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

Decrease/reduce/relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains ; Helps enhance/improve/promote blood circulation to the peripheral areas of the body (legs, hands and feet) ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve loss of appetite ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve flatulence/carminative ; Maintain/support healthy digestive system function ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of indigestion/dyspepsia ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve digestive spasms ; Decrease/reduce food stagnation associated with poor or sluggish digestion ; Antiemetic/Decrease/reduce/relieve vomiting ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve nausea ; Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of motion/travel/sea sickness ; Decrease/reduce/relieve mild dizziness/vertigo ; Relieves mid-cycle menstrual pain ; Decrease/reduce/relieve menstrual spasms/cramps ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of common colds and flu ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Expectorant/clear respiratory tract mucous ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Antitussive/cough suppressant ; Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to Decrease/reduce/relieve cough

Sommarju tal-prodott:

Visual Identification: ; Container Type: Bottle

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