Cantata Duo Microcatheter - Intravascular microflow catheter

Country: Awstralja

Lingwa: Ingliż

Sors: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Ixtrih issa

Disponibbli minn:

William A Cook Australia Pty Ltd


Class III

Manifatturat minn:

Cook Incorporated 750 Daniels Way, Bloomington, Indiana, 47404 United States Of America

Żona terapewtika:

10691 - Intravascular microflow catheter

Indikazzjonijiet terapewtiċi:

The Cantata Duo Microcatheter is inserted into the vascular system percutaneously using standard technique and then advanced with a wire guide to the target vessel location under fluroscopy. Before insertion, the catheter can be lubricated with saline solution or sterile water to activate its hydrophilic coating. The Cantata Duo Microcatheter is designed for use in small vessel or superselective anatomy for diagnostic and interventional procedures including peripheral or coronary use.

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