Система имплантационная стоматологическая: изделия ортопедические вспомогательные:

Country: Belarus

Bahasa: Rusia

Sumber: Министерством здравоохранения Республики (Центр экспертиз и испытаний в здравоохранении)

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A.B. Dental Devices Ltd., ИЗРАИЛЬ


изделия медицинского назначения

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A.B. Dental Devices Ltd.

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                                INSTRUCTION GUIDE FOR A.B DENTAL IMPLANTS
A.B Dental Devices products are intended for use only by certified
dentists and authorized personnel with specific implant training.
A.B Dental Devices implants are used for two-stage and one-piece
implantation processes.
The implants and abutments are made of titanium alloy. A.B Dental
Devices implants are delivered in sterile, sealed containers. They are
supplied with the understanding that only AB Dental Devices surgical
instruments, which complement each implant, will be used during
surgery. If these conditions are not met, the manufacturer will refuse
to accept responsibility.
Patient examination; Patient’s medical history; Clinical examination
of patient’s hygiene, teeth, occlusion, periodontium; Biological
Radiographic evaluation: CT scan, intra-oral X-rays, pan-oral, etc.
Lack of adequate practitioner training is one of the major factors
influencing the success of implant surgery and subsequent long-
term patient health.
A.B Dental Implants (Hereinafter: “A.B”) are made of titanium
alloy to
be placed surgically into the upper or lower jaw in order to replace
patients dental root and to provide a stable base for the prostheses.
The abutment, made of zirconium, plastic or titanium, is used in the
prosthetic procedure.
A.B implants are designed for use in dental implant surgery. It
the natural tooths root. The implant is surgically inserted into the
upper or lower alveolar bone. The implant can restore the injured
tooth by connecting abutment to the alveolar bone after the implants
osseointegration process. The abutment system is intended for use
as an aid in prosthetic restoration.
Use in accordance with general implant surgical guides. After implant
placement, the surgeon should evaluate bone loss, implant percussion
analyses and radiological marginal bone loss. Unstable implant and/
or more than 50% bone loss should indicate implant’s 
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