Pegasys Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pharmaand gmbh - peginterferon alfa-2a - hepatitis c, chronic; hepatitis b, chronic - imunitātes stimulatori, - chronic hepatitis b adult patients pegasys is indicated for the treatment of hepatitis b envelope antigen (hbeag)-positive or hbeag-negative chronic hepatitis b (chb) in adult patients with compensated liver disease and evidence of viral replication, increased alanine aminotransferase (alt) and histologically verified liver inflammation and/or fibrosis (see sections 4. 4 un 5. paediatric patients 3 years of age and older pegasys is indicated for the treatment of hbeag-positive chb in non-cirrhotic children and adolescents 3 years of age and older with evidence of viral replication and persistently elevated serum alt levels. attiecībā uz lēmumu uzsākt ārstēšanu pediatrijas pacientiem, skatīt 4. 2, 4. 4 un 5. chronic hepatitis c adult patients pegasys is indicated in combination with other medicinal products, for the treatment of chronic hepatitis c (chc) in patients with compensated liver disease (see sections 4. 2, 4. 4 un 5. hepatīta c vīrusa (hcv) genotipa konkrētu darbību, skatīt 4. 2 un 5. paediatric patients 5 years of age and older pegasys in combination with ribavirin is indicated for the treatment of chc in treatment-naïve children and adolescents 5 years of age and older who are positive for serum hcv-rna. pieņemot lēmumu uzsākt ārstēšanu bērnības, tas ir svarīgi apsvērt, augšanas inhibēšanas saistītas ar kombinēto terapiju,. atgriezeniskumu augšanas inhibēšanas ir neskaidra. lēmumu, lai ārstētu būtu jāpieņem katrā gadījumā atsevišķi (skatīt 4. iedaļu.