LEIVY Naturally Nourishing Hand & Body Lotion With Royal Jelly & Honey Plus Bio-white Complex, Coq10 & Collagen..

국가: 인도네시아

언어: 인도네시아어

출처: Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI - Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency


CITRA USAHA LAMINDO, PT, PT - Kab Tangerang, Banten

약제 형태:

Cairan Kental

패키지 단위:

Botol 270 mL, Botol 45 mL, Botol 500 mL

Manufactured by:

Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd., - Selangor, Malaysia

승인 날짜:


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