Libmeldy Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


orchard therapeutics (netherlands) bv - atidarsagene autotemcel - leukodystrophy, metachromatic - Önnur lyf í taugakerfinu - libmeldy is indicated for the treatment of metachromatic leukodystrophy (mld) characterized by biallelic mutations in the arysulfatase a (arsa) gene leading to a reduction of the arsa enzymatic activity:in children with late infantile or early juvenile forms, without clinical manifestations of the disease,in children with the early juvenile form, with early clinical manifestations of the disease, who still  have the ability to walk independently and before the onset of cognitive decline.

Nyvepria Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig  - pegfilgrastim - daufkyrningafæð - Ónæmisörvandi, - lækkun á lengd mæði í tengslum og tíðni hita og mæði í tengslum í fullorðinn sjúklinga með frumudrepandi lyfjameðferð fyrir illkynja (með undantekning langvarandi merg hvítblæði og myelodysplastic heilkennum).

Vegzelma Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


celltrion healthcare hungary kft. - bevacizumab - colorectal neoplasms; breast neoplasms; ovarian neoplasms; fallopian tube neoplasms; peritoneal neoplasms; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; carcinoma, renal cell; uterine cervical neoplasms - Æxlishemjandi lyf - vegzelma in combination with fluoropyrimidine based chemotherapy is indicated for treatment of adult patients with metastatic carcinoma of the colon or rectum. vegzelma in combination with paclitaxel is indicated for first line treatment of adult patients with metastatic breast cancer. sjá nánar í kafla 5 til að fá nánari upplýsingar varðandi húðþéttni vaxtarþáttar viðtaka 2 (her2). vegzelma in combination with capecitabine is indicated for first line treatment of adult patients with metastatic breast cancer in whom treatment with other chemotherapy options including taxanes or anthracyclines is not considered appropriate. patients who have received taxane and anthracycline containing regimens in the adjuvant setting within the last 12 months should be excluded from treatment with vegzelma in combination with capecitabine. nánari upplýsingar um her2 stöðu, sjá kafla 5. vegzelma, in addition to platinum based chemotherapy, is indicated for first line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, metastatic or recurrent non small cell lung cancer (nsclc) other than predominantly squamous cell histology. vegzelma, in combination with erlotinib, is indicated for first line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, metastatic or recurrent nsclc with epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) activating mutations (see section 5. vegzelma, in combination with interferon alfa 2a is indicated for first line treatment of adult patients with advanced and/or metastatic renal cell cancer. vegzelma, in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel is indicated for the front line treatment of adult patients with advanced (international federation of gynecology and obstetrics (figo) stages iii b, iii c and iv) epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer (see section 5. vegzelma, in combination with carboplatin and gemcitabine or in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel, is indicated for treatment of adult patients with first recurrence of platinum sensitive epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer who have not received prior therapy with bevacizumab or other vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) inhibitors or vegf receptor–targeted agents. vegzelma in combination with paclitaxel, topotecan, or pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with platinum resistant recurrent epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer who received no more than two prior chemotherapy regimens and who have not received prior therapy with bevacizumab or other vegf inhibitors or vegf receptor–targeted agents (see section 5. vegzelma, in combination with paclitaxel and cisplatin or, alternatively, paclitaxel and topotecan in patients who cannot receive platinum therapy, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with persistent, recurrent, or metastatic carcinoma of the cervix (see section 5.

Atosiban SUN Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

atosiban sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - atosiban (as acetate) - Ótímabært fæðing - Önnur gynecologicals - atosiban er ætlað að tefja yfirvofandi fyrir tíma fæðingu í barnshafandi fullorðinn konur með:venjulegur legi samdrættir af minnsta kosti 30 sekúndur' lengd á hraða sem stóð 4 á 30 mínútur, legháls útvíkkun 1 til 3 cm (0-3 fyrir nulliparas) og effacement af stóð 50%;meðgöngu úr 24 fyrr en 33 lokið vikur;eðlilegt hjartsiátturinn.

Zevalin Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ceft biopharma s.r.o. - ibritumomab tiuxetan - eitilæxli, follicular - heilsueyðandi lyf - zevalin er ætlað fullorðnum. [90y]-sprauta zevalin er ætlað eins og sameiningu meðferð eftir fyrirgefningar framkalla í áður ómeðhöndlað sjúklinga með tíðahvörf eitlaæxli. Þágu zevalin eftir rítúxímab ásamt lyfjameðferð hefur ekki verið staðfest. [90y]-sprauta zevalin er ætlað fyrir meðferð fullorðinn sjúklinga með rítúxímab relapsedorrefractory cd20+ tíðahvörf b-klefi ekki hodgkins (fÓtbolta).

INOmax Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


linde healthcare ab - nituroxíð - hypertension, pulmonary; respiratory insufficiency - Önnur öndunarfæri - Þegar, í tengslum við öndunarvél stuðning og öðrum viðeigandi virk efni, er ætlað:fyrir meðferð nýbura stærri 34 vikur meðgöngu með öndunarbilun tengslum við klínískum eða hjartaómunar vísbendingar lungum háan blóðþrýsting, til að bæta súrefni og til að draga úr þörf fyrir extracorporeal himna súrefnismettun;eins og hluti af meðferð. - og eftir aðgerð lungnaháþrýstingi í fullorðnir og nýfædd börn, börn og smábörn, börn og unglingar, aldri 0-17 ár í tengslum að hjartaaðgerð, í því skyni að vali minnka lungum slagæð þrýsting og bæta rétt op virka og súrefnismettun.

Levetiracetam Sun Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

levetiracetam sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - levetiracetam - flogaveiki - Önnur antiepileptics - levetiracetam sun er ætlað sem einlyfjameðferð við meðhöndlun á flogaveiki með eða án aukakvilla hjá sjúklingum frá 16 ára aldri með nýgreind flogaveiki. hjá sólin kemur fram eins og venjulega meðferð:í meðferð á hluta-upphaf flog með eða án efri almenn ákvörðun er tekin í fullorðna og börn frá fjögurra ára aldri með flogaveiki;í meðferð vöðvakippaflog krampa í fullorðnir og unglingar frá 12 ára aldri með ungum vöðvakippaflog flogaveiki;í meðferð aðal almenn tonic-m krampa í fullorðnir og unglingar frá 12 ára aldri með sjálfvakin almenn flogaveiki. hjá sólinni einbeita er valkostur fyrir sjúklinga þegar inntöku er tímabundið ekki gerlegt.

Temozolomide Sun Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

temozolomide sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - temózólómíð - glioma; glioblastoma - Æxlishemjandi lyf - temozolomide sólin er ætlað fyrir meðferð:fullorðinn sjúklinga með nýlega greind glioblastoma multiforme samhliða með geislameðferð (colorado) og í kjölfarið eitt og sér meðferð, börn frá þriggja ára aldri, unglingum og fullorðinn sjúklinga með illkynja glioma, eins og glioblastoma multiforme eða anaplastic astrocytoma, að sýna endurkomu eða framvindu eftir standard meðferð.

Sitagliptin SUN Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

sitagliptin sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - sitagliptin fumarate - sykursýki, tegund 2 - lyf notuð við sykursýki - for adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, sitagliptin sun is indicated to improve glycaemic control:as monotherapy:- in patients inadequately controlled by diet and exercise alone and for whom metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or intolerance. as dual oral therapy in combination with:- metformin when diet and exercise plus metformin alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control. - a sulphonylurea when diet and exercise plus maximal tolerated dose of a sulphonylurea alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control and when metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or intolerance. - a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (pparγ) agonist (i. a thiazolidinedione) when use of a pparγ agonist is appropriate and when diet and exercise plus the pparγ agonist alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control. as triple oral therapy in combination with:- a sulphonylurea and metformin when diet and exercise plus dual therapy with these medicinal products do not provide adequate glycaemic control. - a pparγ agonist and metformin when use of a pparγ agonist is appropriate and when diet and exercise plus dual therapy with these medicinal products do not provide adequate glycaemic control. sitagliptin sun is also indicated as add-on to insulin (with or without metformin) when diet and exercise plus stable dose of insulin do not provide adequate glycaemic control.

Ertapenem SUN Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

ertapenem sun

sun pharmaceutical industries (europe) b.v. - natríum ertapenem - bakteríusýkingar - ertapenem - treatmentertapenem sun is indicated in paediatric patients (3 months to 17 years of age) and in adults for the treatment of the following infections when caused by bacteria known or very likely to be susceptible to ertapenem and when parenteral therapy is required (see sections 4. 4 og 5. 1):- intra-abdominal infections- community acquired pneumonia- acute gynaecological infections- diabetic foot infections of the skin and soft tissue (see section 4. 4)preventionertapenem sun is indicated in adults for the prophylaxis of surgical site infection following elective colorectal surgery (see section 4. Íhuga ætti að opinbera leiðsögn á réttri notkun af sýklalyfjum.