Zyster 10 mg/mL (1.0%) Ophthalmic Solution

Negara: Filipina

Bahasa: Inggris

Sumber: FDA (Food And Drug Administration)

Beli Sekarang

Bahan aktif:

Prednisolone acetate

Tersedia dari:

Zuneca Incorporated.; Distributor: Zuneca Incorporated.

INN (Nama Internasional):

Prednisolone acetate


10 mg/mL (1.0%)

Bentuk farmasi:

Ophthalmic Solution

Unit dalam paket:

LDPE Bottle x 5 mL (Box of 1's), LDPE Bottle x 5mL (box of 1's)

Diproduksi oleh:

The Schazoo Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd., Pakistan

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