Ultrasound system, imaging, general-purpose

Ország: Ausztrália

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Beszerezhető a:

Mindray Ultrasound


Class IIa


Shenzhen Mindray Bio Medical Electronics Co Ltd Mindray Building Keji 12th Road South Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Guangdong, 518057 China

Terápiás terület:

40761 - Ultrasound system, imaging, general-purpose

Terápiás javallatok:

A range of general-purpose diagnostic ultrasound imaging systems designed exclusively for use in a wide variety of both extracorporeal and/or intracorporeal body imaging procedures. These ultrasound systems support a wide variety of transducers and related software allowing for the collection, display and analysis of ultrasound information. Usages are, e.g. general-purpose imaging, cardiac, OB/GYN, endoscopy, breast, prostate, vascular, intra-surgical, Doppler or colour Doppler. Selection of a transducer and associated software enables these different types of examinations.

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