All Types of Coats Shampoo Magyarország - magyar - NÉBIH (Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal)

all types of coats shampoo

g.r. kereskedelmi és szolgáltató bt. - prazikvantel, milbemicin-oxim - sampon - milbemycin, combinations - kutya, macska

Improvac Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


zoetis belgium sa - synthetic peptide analogue of gnrf conjugated to diptheria toxoid - immunológiai készítmények suidae számára - male pigs (from 8 weeks of age); female pigs (from 14 weeks of age) - male pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of testicular function. for use as an alternative to physical castration for the reduction of boar taint caused by the key boar taint compound androstenone, in entire male pigs following the onset of puberty. a sertésfolt, a skatole másik fontos tényezője közvetett hatásként is csökkenthető. agresszív és szexuális (szerelési) viselkedés is csökken. female pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of ovarian function (suppression of oestrus) in order to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in gilts intended for slaughter, and to reduce the associated sexual behaviour (standing oestrus).

Palforzia Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


aimmune therapeutics ireland limited - defatted powder of arachis hypogaea l., semen (peanuts) - peanut hypersensitivity - allergens - palforzia is indicated for the treatment of patients aged 4 to 17 years with a confirmed diagnosis of peanut allergy. palforzia may be continued in patients 18 years of age and older. palforzia should be used in conjunction with a peanut-avoidant diet.

Clopidogrel ratiopharm Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

clopidogrel ratiopharm

teva b.v. - clopidogrel (as hydrogen sulfate) - myocardial infarction; acute coronary syndrome; peripheral vascular diseases; stroke - antitrombotikus szerek - secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events clopidogrel is indicated in:adult patients suffering from myocardial infarction (from a few days until less than 35 days), ischaemic stroke (from 7 days until less than 6 months) or established peripheral arterial disease. felnőtt szenvedő betegek akut koronária szindróma:non-st-szegmenst nem mutató akut koronária szindróma (instabil angina vagy non-q-hullámú miokardiális infarktus), beleértve a betegeknél, akiknél az egy stent elhelyezés következő perkután koronária intervenció, együtt acetilszalicilsav (asa). st-szegmenst nem mutató akut miokardiális infarktus, kombinálva asa orvosilag kezelt betegek jogosult a thrombolyticus terápia. megelőzés, a atherothrombotic, thromboemboliás események pitvari fibrillationin felnőtt betegek pitvarfibrilláció, akik legalább egy kockázati tényező a vascularis események, vagy nem megfelelő kezelés a k-vitamin antagonisták (vka), akik egy alacsony vérzés kockázatát, a clopidogrel javasolt kombinálva asa a megelőzés, a atherothrombotic, thromboemboliás események, beleértve a stroke.

Glivec Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - imatinib - precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma; gastrointestinal stromal tumors; dermatofibrosarcoma; myelodysplastic-myeloproliferative diseases; leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive; hypereosinophilic syndrome - daganatellenes szerek - glivec is indicated for the treatment of , adult and paediatric patients with newly diagnosed philadelphia-chromosome (bcr-abl)-positive (ph+) chronic myeloid leukaemia (cml) for whom bone-marrow transplantation is not considered as the first line of treatment;, adult and paediatric patients with ph+ cml in chronic phase after failure of interferon-alpha therapy, or in accelerated phase or blast crisis;, adult and paediatric patients with newly diagnosed philadelphia-chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ph+ all) integrated with chemotherapy;, adult patients with relapsed or refractory ph+ all as monotherapy;, adult patients with myelodysplastic / myeloproliferative diseases (mds / mpd) associated with platelet-derived growth factor receptor (pdgfr) gene re-arrangements;, adult patients with advanced hypereosinophilic syndrome (hes) and / or chronic eosinophilic leukaemia (cel) with fip1l1-pdgfra rearrangement. , a glivec hatását, az eredmény, a csontvelő-átültetés nem határozták meg. glivec is indicated for: , the treatment of adult patients with kit (cd 117)-positive unresectable and / or metastatic malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumours (gist);, the adjuvant treatment of adult patients who are at significant risk of relapse following resection of kit (cd117)-positive gist. azok a betegek, akik alacsony, vagy nagyon alacsony kiújulás kockázata nem kaphat adjuváns kezelés; a felnőtt betegek kezelésére inoperábilis dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (dfsp) szenvedő felnőtt betegek visszatérő és / vagy áttétes dfsp, akik nem jogosultak a műtét. a felnőtt, gyermek beteg, a hatékonysága a glivec-et alapul, általános hematológiai, citogenetikai válasz árak, illetve a progressziómentes túlélés cml-ben, a hematológiai, citogenetikai válasz árak a ph+ all, mds / mpd, a hematológiai válasz árak a hes / cel, objektív választ árak a felnőtt betegek inoperábilis és / vagy áttétes lÉnyeg, dfsp, illetve a kiújulás-mentes túlélés adjuváns gist. a glivec a betegek mds / mpd kapcsolódó pdgfr gén újra szabályok nagyon korlátozott (lásd 5. kivéve, hogy az újonnan diagnosztizált, krónikus fázisú cml-nincs kontrollált vizsgálatok, amelyek klinikai haszon vagy fokozott túlélés ezek a betegségek.

Wakix Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bioprojet pharma - pitolisant - narkolepszia - egyéb idegrendszeri gyógyszerek - wakix is indicated in adults, adolescents and children from the age of 6 years for the treatment of narcolepsy with or without cataplexy (see also section 5.

Opdivo Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - nivolumab - melanoma; hodgkin disease; carcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, non-small-cell lung; carcinoma, transitional cell; squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck; urologic neoplasms; mesothelioma; colorectal neoplasms - daganatellenes szerek - melanomaopdivo as monotherapy or in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the treatment of advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older. relative to nivolumab monotherapy, an increase in progression free survival (pfs) and overall survival (os) for the combination of nivolumab with ipilimumab is established only in patients with low tumour pd-l1 expression. adjuvant treatment of melanomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with melanoma with involvement of lymph nodes or metastatic disease who have undergone complete resection. non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab and 2 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in adults whose tumours have no sensitising egfr mutation or alk translocation. opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after prior chemotherapy in adults. neoadjuvant treatment of nsclcopdivo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the neoadjuvant treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer at high risk of recurrence in adult patients whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. malignant pleural mesothelioma (mpm)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. neoadjuvant treatment of nsclcopdivo in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the neoadjuvant treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer at high risk of recurrence in adult patients whose tumours have pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. renal cell carcinoma (rcc)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma after prior therapy in adults. opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with intermediate/poor risk advanced renal cell carcinoma. opdivo in combination with cabozantinib is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. classical hodgkin lymphoma (chl)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory classical hodgkin lymphoma after autologous stem cell transplant (asct) and treatment with brentuximab vedotin. squamous cell cancer of the head and neck (scchn)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head and neck in adults progressing on or after platinum based therapy. urothelial carcinomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced unresectable or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in adults after failure of prior platinum containing therapy. adjuvant treatment of urothelial carcinomaopdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adults with muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma (miuc) with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%, who are at high risk of recurrence after undergoing radical resection of miuc. mismatch repair deficient (dmmr) or microsatellite instability-high (msi-h) colorectal cancer (crc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with mismatch repair deficient or microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer after prior fluoropyrimidine based combination chemotherapy. oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (oscc)opdivo in combination with ipilimumab is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. opdivo in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma with tumour cell pd-l1 expression ≥ 1%. opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma after prior fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy. adjuvant treatment of oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (oc or gejc)opdivo as monotherapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adult patients with oesophageal or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer who have residual pathologic disease following prior neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. gastric, gastro‑oesophageal junction (gej) or oesophageal adenocarcinomaopdivo in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based combination chemotherapy is indicated for the first‑line treatment of adult patients with her2‑negative advanced or metastatic gastric, gastro‑oesophageal junction or oesophageal adenocarcinoma whose tumours express pd-l1 with a combined positive score (cps) ≥ 5.

Zerbaxa Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v.  - ceftolozane-szulfát, nátrium-tazobactam - bakteriális fertőzések - szisztémás antibakteriális szerek, - zerbaxa is indicated for the treatment of the following infections in adults:complicated intra abdominal infections;acute pyelonephritis;complicated urinary tract infections;hospital-acquired pneumonia (hap), including ventilator associated pneumonia (vap). figyelembe kell venni hivatalos útmutató a megfelelő használatára az antibakteriális szerek.