Phelinun Európai Unió - dán - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


adienne s.r.l. s.u. - melphalan hydrochloride - multiple myeloma; hodgkin disease; lymphoma, non-hodgkin; precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma; leukemia, myeloid, acute; neuroblastoma; ovarian neoplasms; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - antineoplastiske midler - high-dose of phelinun used alone or in combination with other cytotoxic medicinal products and/or total body irradiation is indicated in the treatment of:multiple myeloma,malignant lymphoma (hodgkin, non-hodgkin lymphoma),acute lymphoblastic and myeloblastic leukemia,childhood neuroblastoma,ovarian cancer,mammary adenocarcinoma. phelinun in combination with other cytotoxic medicinal products is indicated as reduced intensity conditioning (ric) treatment prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-hsct) in malignant haematological diseases in adults. phelinun in combination with other cytotoxic medicinal products is indicated as conditioning regimen prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in haematological diseases in the paediatric population as:myeloablative conditioning (mac) treatment in case of malignant haematological diseasesric treatment in case of non-malignant haematological diseases.

Tepadina Európai Unió - dán - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


adienne s.r.l. s.u. - thiotepa - hematopoietisk stamcelletransplantation - antineoplastiske midler - i kombination med andre kemoterapeutiske lægemidler:med eller uden total body bestråling (tbi) som konditionering behandling forud for allogen eller autolog hæmatopoietisk stamcelletransplantation (hpct) hæmatologiske sygdomme hos voksne og pædiatriske patienter, når høj-dosis kemoterapi med hpct support er passende til behandling af solide tumorer hos voksne og pædiatriske patienter. det foreslås, at tepadina skal ordineres af læger med erfaring i plejende behandling forud for hæmatopoietisk stamcelletransplantation.

Latuda Európai Unió - dán - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


aziende chimiche riunite angelini francesco s.p.a. - lurasidon - skizofreni - psykoleptika - behandling af skizofreni hos voksne i alderen 18 år og derover.

Tavlesse Európai Unió - dán - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


instituto grifols s.a. - fostamatinib dinatrium - trombocytopeni - andre systemiske hemostatics - tavlesse er indiceret til behandling af kronisk immun trombocytopeni (itp) hos voksne patienter, der er refraktære over for andre behandlinger.