Orthopaedic Medical Devices for Joint-Supports, Compression Bandages, Back Belts and Cervical Collars

Ország: Izrael

Nyelv: héber

Forrás: Ministry of Health

Vedd Meg Most

Beszerezhető a:

Tree of Life Pharma Ltd.




Technomedica Llc.

Terápiás csoport:

כלל האוכלוסיה

Terápiás javallatok:

Orthopaedic medical devices for joint-supports, compression bandages, back belts and cervical collars, used to treat and assist with various medical conditions requiring support of these body parts.

Termék összefoglaló:

Orthopaedic medical devices for joint-supports, compression bandages, back belts and cervical collars, used to treat and assist with various medical conditions requiring support of these body parts.

A termékkel kapcsolatos riasztások keresése