Indirab 2.5 IU Lyophilized Powder For Injection (Id/Im)

Ország: Fülöp-szigetek

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: FDA (Food And Drug Administration)

Vedd Meg Most

Aktív összetevők:

Inactivated Purified Rabies Vaccine (Vero-Cell)

Beszerezhető a:

Phil Pharmawealth, Inc.; Distributor: Phil Pharmawealth, Inc.

INN (nemzetközi neve):

Inactivated Purified Rabies Vaccine (Vero-Cell)


2.5 IU

Gyógyszerészeti forma:

Lyophilized Powder For Injection (Id/Im)

db csomag:

0.5 mL glass vial of Lyophilized powder capped with dark red plastic flip-off seal + 0.5 mL ampoule of sodium chloride solution (diluent) + 2 mL disposable syringe with needle (256 x 1") (Box of l's; Box of l's in box of 10's), 0.5 mL glass vial of Lyophilized powder capped with dark red plastic flip-off seal + 0.5 mL ampoule of sodium chloride solutio


Bharat Biotech International Ltd., India

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