CSL HONG KONG MONOFIX-VF Factor IX freeze dried (Human) powder for injection vial

Ország: Ausztrália

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Vedd Meg Most

Aktív összetevők:

Factor IX, Quantity: 500 IU

Beszerezhető a:

CSL Behring Australia Pty Ltd

Gyógyszerészeti forma:

Injection, diluent for


Excipient Ingredients: water for injections

Az alkalmazás módja:


db csomag:


Recept típusa:

Not scheduled. Not considered by committee

Terápiás javallatok:

MonoFIX-VF is indicated for the treatment of haemorrhages, for use in surgery, and as prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia B. MonoFIX-VF is not indicated for the treatment of factor II, VII or X deficiencies because it does not contain therapeutic levels of these coagulation factors. MonoFIX-VF is not indicated for the treatment of haemophilia A patients with factor VIII inhibitors.

Termék összefoglaló:

Visual Identification: Clear, colourless solution free from visible particles; Container Type: Vial; Container Life Time: 2 Years; Container Temperature: Store at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius

Engedélyezési státusz:

Listed (Export Only)

Engedély dátuma:
