Anoscope, single-use

Ország: Ausztrália

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Innovative Medcare Technology Pty Ltd


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Suzhou Frankenman Medical Equipment Co Ltd 108 South Jinfeng Road, Suzhou High-New District, Suzhou, 215163 China

Terápiás terület:

44914 - Anoscope, single-use

Terápiás javallatok:

The single-use Anoscope kit for CPH is used in dilating and maintaining of anal and lower end of the rectum during anorectal diagnosis and procedure. It is designed to be used with the CPH Circular Stapler. Kit consists of: Anoscope, Dilators, Anal mirror, Dilator linings, Suture threaders, Protective rectal plates.

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