?FTLC braided angiography catheters - Catheter, angiography

Ország: Ausztrália

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Getz Healthcare Pty Ltd


Class III


Balt Extrusion SAS 10 rue de la Croix Vigneron, Montmorency, France, 95160 France

Terápiás terület:

10688 - Catheter, angiography

Terápiás javallatok:

Braided angiography catheters use the reference ?FTLC. This corresponds to : ? (diameter in french unit) + T + L (length in cm) + C (the name of the curve). Braided catheters have stainless steel mesh reinforcement in the plastic matrix and a supple distal tip. Angiographic catheters are designed for selective catheterisation of concerned vessels. The different lengths and sizes allow adaptability to each situation. Angiographic catheters are radio-opaque. Angiographic catheters are designed for selective or global angiographic examinations and therapeutic embolisations.

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