Sphygmomanometer, aneroid

Država: Australija

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:

GE Healthcare Australia Pty Ltd


Class Im

Proizveden od:

AC Cossor & Son (Surgical) Ltd Accoson Works 5/6 Parkway Harlow Business Park, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5QP United Kingdom

Područje terapije:

16156 - Sphygmomanometer, aneroid

Terapijske indikacije:

This device is intended to be used for the indirect and noninvasive measurement of arterial blood pressure. It consists of an inflatable cuff that fits around the arm, a bulb for controlling the air pressure within the cuff and an aneroid manometer.

Status autorizacije:


Datum autorizacije:


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