Samsung GM85 Digital Mobile X-ray Imaging Systems

Država: Singapur

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:



Class C medical device

Proizveden od:

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Područje terapije:

Diagnostic Radiology

Terapijske indikacije:

The GM85 is intended to be used for capturing digital X-ray images of various parts of the body including the head, chest, spine, abdomen, joints, hands, feet, and other organs by a qualified/trained doctor or technician. This device is not intended for mammographic applications.

Proizvod sažetak:

Models: Digital Diagnostic Mobile X-ray System - GM85, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S4335-W, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S4343-W, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S3025-W, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S4335-AW, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S4343-AW, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S4335-AWM, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - S4343-AWM, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - F4335-AW, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - FXRD-2530VAW PLUS, Digital Flat Panel X-ray Detector - FXRD-2530VAW

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