Roche Diagnostics Cobas c 701 702 Glucose HK

Država: Singapur

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:

Roche Diagnostics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd


Class B IVD

Proizveden od:

Roche Diagnostics GmbH

Područje terapije:

Clinical chemistry

Terapijske indikacije:

In vitro test for the quantitative determination of glucose in human hemolysate on Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems.

Proizvod sažetak:

Models: PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 x 5 mL) - 05947626190, PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 x 5 mL) - 05947774190, cobas 701 AND 702 Glucose HK - 05882095190, C.f.a.s. - 10759350190, Precinorm U plus - 12149435122, Precipath U plus - 12149443122, Precinorm U ( 20x5 ml ) - 10171743122, Precinorm U ( 4x5ml ) - 10171735122, Precipath U ( 20x5 ml ) - 10171778122, Precipath U ( 4x5ml ) - 10171760122, Glucose Hemolyzing Reagent Gen.2 - 05067235190, PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (20 x 5 mL) - 05117003190, PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (20 x 5 mL) - 05117216190

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