
Država: Australija

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Kupi sada

Aktivni sastojci:

Hedera helix, Quantity: 26 mg (Equivalent: Hedera helix, Qty 163 mg; Equivalent: emetine, Qty 0 mg)

Dostupno od:

SFI Australasia

INN (International ime):

Hedera helix

Farmaceutski oblik:



Excipient Ingredients: citric acid; purified water; maltitol; medium chain triglycerides; sorbitol solution (70 per cent) (non-crystallising); Acacia; acesulfame potassium; Flavour

Administracija rute:


Terapijske indikacije:

Anti-inflammatory/relieve inflammation ; Decrease/reduce/relieve mild bronchial irritation ; Decrease/reduce/relieve bronchial mucous congestion ; Soothe/calm the chest ; Decrease/reduce excess chest phlegm ; Loosen chest phlegm ; Decrease/reduce excess mucous ; Decrease/reduce/relieve mild upper respiratory tract congestion ; Expectorant/clear respiratory tract mucous ; Loosen respiratory tract mucous ; Decrease/reduce/relieve mild bronchial cough ; Decrease/reduce/relieve cough ; Enhance/improve/promote/increase cough productivity ; Soothe respiratory tract mucous membranes/mucous tissue

Proizvod sažetak:

Visual Identification: ;

Status autorizacije:

Licence status A

Datum autorizacije:


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