Lento Medical Innovation PtoleMedic System

Država: Singapur

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:



Class B medical device

Proizveden od:

Lento Medical Innovation, Inc.

Područje terapije:

General Hospital

Terapijske indikacije:

The PtoleMedic System is a software interface and image manipulation system used to transfer DICOM images from a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system. The PtoleMedic System creates a surgical plan and produces a custom surgical instrument intended to assist the surgeon in the orientation and placement of Total Knee Replacement (TKR) components intra-operatively by guiding the marking of bone or tissue before cutting.

Proizvod sažetak:

Models: Lento Medical PtoleMedic System - Lento Medical PtoleMedic System

Datum autorizacije:


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