Dental implant suprastructure device, permanent

Država: Australija

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:

Capro Dental Pty Ltd


Class IIb

Proizveden od:

DAND Metal Industries North Ltd Industrial Park Building 11, Migdal Tefen, 2495900 Israel

Područje terapije:

44879 - Dental implant suprastructure device, permanent

Terapijske indikacije:

This is a prefabricated device that is intended to be used to incorporate or creates, the necessary suprastructure mimicking preparations of natural teeth that is used during dental implant restorative procedures to provide the permanent intermediate fixture level between the dental implant and the final restoration.

Status autorizacije:


Datum autorizacije:


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