Abbott Architect Cyclosporine Assay

Država: Singapur

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:



Class C IVD

Proizveden od:

Abbott Laboratories

Područje terapije:

Clinical toxicology

Terapijske indikacije:

The ARCHITECT Cyclosporine assay is a chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) for the quantitative determination of cyclosporine in human whole blood on the ARCHITECT iSystem. The ARCHITECT Cyclosporine assay is used as an aid in the management of heart, liver and kidney transplant patients receiving cyclosporine therapy.

Proizvod sažetak:

Models: Architect Cyclosporine Reagent Kit (1x100 Tests) - 1L75-25, Architect Cyclosporine Reagent Kit (1x500 Tests) - 1L75-35, Architect Cyclosporine Calibrators - 1L75-01, Architect Cyclosporine Whole Blood Precipitation Reagent - 1L75-55, ARCHITECT Transplant Pre-Treatment Tubes - 1P06-01

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