Staloral 100 IR/ml or IC/ml Sublingual Solution (Initial Treatment Pack)

Pays: Émirats arabes unis

Langue: anglais

Source: MOHAP (Ministry of Health & Prevention) - وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع.الإمارات


Ingrédients actifs:

10ml Vial x 3 (1 Blue-capped Glass Vial of 10 IR/ml or IC/ml + 2 Red-capped Glass Vials of 100 IR/ml or IC/ml)

DCI (Dénomination commune internationale):

10ml Vial x 3 (1 Blue-capped Glass Vial of 10 IR/ml or IC/ml + 2 Red-capped Glass Vials of 100 IR/ml or IC/ml)

Descriptif du produit:

Price: 10 IR/ml or IC/ml + 100 IR/ml or IC/ml

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