Memantine LEK

Pays: Union européenne

Langue: portugais

Source: EMA (European Medicines Agency)


Ingrédients actifs:

cloridrato de memantina

Disponible depuis:

Pharmathen S.A.

Code ATC:


DCI (Dénomination commune internationale):


Groupe thérapeutique:

Psychoanaleptics, , Outros anti-demência drogas

Domaine thérapeutique:

Doença de Alzheimer

indications thérapeutiques:

Tratamento de pacientes com doença de Alzheimer moderada a grave.

Descriptif du produit:

Revision: 5

Statut de autorisation:


Date de l'autorisation:


Notice patient

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To report a potentially serious problem with a centrally authorised
medicine, call our product emergency hotline on +31 (0)88 781 7600.
To report a product quality defect, including a suspected defect, of a
centrally authorised medicine that could result in a recall or
abnormal restriction on supply, marketing or manufacturing
authorisation holders can call +31 (0)65 008 9457 outside business
The details of your call may be documented, including personal data if
you provide them (such as your name, contact details and nature of the
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Résumé des caractéristiques du produit

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This website is currently unavailable due to essential maintenance.
To report a potentially serious problem with a centrally authorised
medicine, call our product emergency hotline on +31 (0)88 781 7600.
To report a product quality defect, including a suspected defect, of a
centrally authorised medicine that could result in a recall or
abnormal restriction on supply, marketing or manufacturing
authorisation holders can call +31 (0)65 008 9457 outside business
The details of your call may be documented, including personal data if
you provide them (such as your name, contact details and nature of the
issue raised), in accordance with our privacy statement. You can
consult our privacy statement at
[/en/about-us/legal/general-privacy-statement] once the website is
back online.
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© 1995-2020 European Medicines Agency
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An agency of the European Union [European Union flag]
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Documents dans d'autres langues

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