Gown, isolation, single use

Pays: Australie

Langue: anglais

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)


Disponible depuis:

Aero Healthcare


Class I

Fabriqué par:

Aero Health Aust Pty Ltd T/A Aero Healthcare (Australia) 63 Seaton Street, ARMIDALE, NSW, 2350 Australia

Domaine thérapeutique:

35492 - Gown, isolation, single use

indications thérapeutiques:

A multipurpose garment worn by healthcare providers or visitors to isolate them from the patient. The isolation gown protects the patient, from the transfer of infectious agents carried by the healthcare provider or visitor; or it can protect the healthcare provider or visitor from a contagious agent which has infected the patient. This is a disposable garment.

Statut de autorisation:


Date de l'autorisation:


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