ETView VivaSight DL

Pays: Israël

Langue: hébreu

Source: Ministry of Health


Disponible depuis:

ETView Ltd.


בית חולים

Fabriqué par:

אי.טי.ויו בע"מ

Groupe thérapeutique:


indications thérapeutiques:

The ETView VivaSight DL is intended to isolate the left or right lung of a patient for intensive care or surgery, one lung ventilation or one lung anesthesia. The VivaSight DL System is indicated for verifying tube placement and repositioning.

Descriptif du produit:

The ETView VivaSight DL is intended to isolate the left or right lung of a patient for intensive care or surgery, one lung ventilation or one lung anesthesia. The VivaSight DL System is indicated for verifying tube placement and repositioning.

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