Emergency kit, resuscitation, general-purpose

Pays: Australie

Langue: anglais

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)


Disponible depuis:

Rapp Australia Pty Ltd


Class IIb

Fabriqué par:

Rapp Australia Pty Ltd Unit 1 22 Hicks Street, LARA, VIC, 3212 Australia

Domaine thérapeutique:

36690 - Emergency kit, resuscitation, general-purpose

indications thérapeutiques:

A prepacked kit in a portable case containing emergency items for resuscitation or short term oxygen therapy, e.g. oxygen regulator, airway tubes, face masks, bag valve mask resuscitator, demand valve, BVM refill valve and suction equipment which is kept in readiness for use in emergency situations to provide resuscitation to non-breathing or oxygen therapy to spontaneously breathing patients.

Statut de autorisation:


Date de l'autorisation:


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