Dental dry field system

Pays: Australie

Langue: anglais

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)


Disponible depuis:

Preventive Dental Pty Ltd


Class I

Fabriqué par:

CEREC Asia Co Ltd 8F No 356 Sec1 Neihu Road Neihu District, Taipei City, 11493 Taiwan

Domaine thérapeutique:

44828 - Dental dry field system

indications thérapeutiques:

A hands-free, self-retaining frame intended to allow a dental professional to retract the lips/cheeks of a patient during a dental procedure for easy access to the field of operation. It is designed to be placed in and around the lips/cheeks and is may also designed to displace the tongue. It is a synthetic polymer device which may include suction adaptors/tubing for saliva removal to maintain a dry field. This is a reusable device.

Statut de autorisation:


Date de l'autorisation:


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