Dental ceramic

Pays: Australie

Langue: anglais

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)


Disponible depuis:

Alphabond Dental Pty Ltd


Class IIa

Fabriqué par:

Aidite (Qinhuangdao) Technology Co Ltd No 9 Dushan Road Economic and Technological Development Zone, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei, 066004 China

Domaine thérapeutique:

16187 - Dental ceramic

indications thérapeutiques:

This is a device in the form of an ingot of material that is intended to be used within a Cad/Cam unit to product in HT (high translucency): inlay, onlay, veneer, single crown, partial crown, 3 units bridge.LT (low translucency): inlay, onlay, coping, full crown, 3 units bridge for dental procedures in the mouth.

Statut de autorisation:


Date de l'autorisation:


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