Cardiovascular-risk peripheral arterial tonometry system

Pays: Australie

Langue: anglais

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)


Disponible depuis:

Vyaire Medical Pty Ltd


Class IIa

Fabriqué par:

Vyaire Medical GmbH Leibnizstrasse 7, Hochberg, Germany, 97204 Germany

Domaine thérapeutique:

47687 - Cardiovascular-risk peripheral arterial tonometry system

indications thérapeutiques:

The Pulse Trace line of products are intended for use in clinical practice, to aid early detection, treatment, and management of hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, target organ damage and endothelial dysfunction by estimating large artery stiffness from the pulse waveform obtained at the finger with an infra-red sensor.

Statut de autorisation:


Date de l'autorisation:


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