"人生"整腸糖衣錠 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


人生製藥股份有限公司 台中市西屯區工業區五路3號 (58003103) - geranium herba powder;;gambir powder;;gentiana scabrae radix;;berberine chloride - 糖衣錠 - berberine chloride (0804000210) mg; gentiana scabrae radix (5616005210) mg; geranium herba powder (8412000512) mg; gambir powder (9200014401) mg - other antidiarrheals - 緩解輕微或中度急性腹瀉

二氧化鈦 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣禮來股份有限公司新竹廠 新竹縣湖口鄉中興村光復路10號 (43430803) - titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) - (粉) - 主成分 () ; titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) (9602020800) - 局部保護劑

二氧化鈦糊劑 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


輝瑞大藥廠股份有限公司 台北巿大安區敦化南路二段65號18F (11821362) - titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) - 糊劑 - 主成分 () ; titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) (9602020800) - 外用抗刺激劑

生達綜合感冒膠囊 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


盈盈生技製藥股份有限公司三峽廠 新北市三峽區紫新路26巷6號 (80259156) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;caffeine anhydrous;;ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide);;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;chlorpheniramine maleate;;dextromethorphan hbr;;gelatin;;sodium lauryl sulfate;;titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide);;brilliant blue fcf;;new coccine - 膠囊劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 2.5mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) 8mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 200mg; ethenzamide (ethoxybenzamide) (2808600900) 166mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 30mg; dextromethorphan hbr (4800001010) 10mg; sodium lauryl sulfate (8420000600) ; gelatin (9600012700) ; titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) (9602020800) ; brilliant blue fcf (9602040205) ; new coccine (9602040301) - other cold preparations - 感冒諸症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉痛、咳嗽、畏寒、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉痛等)之緩解。

二氧化鈦 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣氰胺股份有限公司 台北巿松山區健康路一五六號八樓 (11912601) - titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) - (粉) - 主成分 () ; titanium dioxide (eq to titanium oxide) (9602020800) - 保護劑

"派頓"欣可口含錠 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣派頓化學製藥股份有限公司 高雄市岡山區為隨里1鄰為隨東路50號 (83748073) - cetylpyridinium chloride;;glycyrrhizinate dipotassium (eq to dipotassium glycyrrhizinate);;azulene water soluble;;extractum platycodi liquidum;;senega powder - 口含錠 - extractum platycodi liquidum (4800003640) mg; senega powder (5620000502) mg; cetylpyridinium chloride (8404601310) mg; azulene water soluble (8406000201) mg; glycyrrhizinate dipotassium (eq to dipotassium glycyrrhizinate) (9200004620) mg - antiinfectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment - 口腔、咽頭、扁桃腺炎之消炎、殺菌

樂氣寧錠 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


謙遜貿易有限公司 台北巿忠孝東路三段217巷6弄9號1樓 (11999607) - extractum liquiritiae - 錠劑 - extractum liquiritiae (9200028720) 187mg - 急慢性支氣管炎、鎮咳

"長安" 樂肝能膠囊 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

"長安" 樂肝能膠囊

長安化學工業股份有限公司 彰化縣福興鄉萬豐村福工路19號、19-1號 (59212326) - cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;riboflavin (vit b2);;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;pantothenate calcium;;extractum fructus cardui marianus;;thiamine hydrochloride;;pyridoxine hcl - 膠囊劑 - extractum fructus cardui marianus (5656900911) 87.5mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 12.0mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 4.0mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 4.0mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 4.0mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 1.2mcg; pantothenate calcium (8812300200) 8.0mg - liver therapy - 慢性肝病的營養補給。

近畿痢克停膠囊 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


德佑藥品有限公司 台北市松山區敦化南路一段3號2樓 (21266259) - powdered geranium herb;;berberine chloride;;powdered swertia herb - 膠囊劑 - 主成分 (each capsule contain:) ; berberine chloride (0804000210) mg; powdered geranium herb (z102100437) mg; powdered swertia herb (z102100497) mg - other antidiarrheals - 緩解輕微或中度急性腹瀉。

大心胃腸丸 Taiwan - hiina - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


德佑藥品有限公司 台北市大同區南京西路46號(實際營業地址:5樓) (21266259) - glycyrrhiza powder;;geranium herba powder;;phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark);;scopolia extract;;swertiae herba powder ( powdered swertia herb);;powdered japanese gentian;;ginseng powder;;ursodeoxycholic acid - 丸劑 - scopolia extract (1208004502) mg; powdered japanese gentian (5616000830) mg; ursodeoxycholic acid (5616001800) mg; phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark) (5640001512) mg; geranium herba powder (8412000512) mg; ginseng powder (9200004004) mg; glycyrrhiza powder (9200004402) mg; swertiae herba powder ( powdered swertia herb) (9200014911) mg - other drugs for acid related disorders - 食慾不振、胃腹部膨脹感、消化不良、幫助消化。