Strepsils Sugar Free Strawberry

País: Nueva Zelanda

Idioma: inglés

Fuente: Medsafe (Medicines Safety Authority)

Cómpralo ahora

Ingredientes activos:

Amylmetacresol 0.6mg;  ; Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2mg;  ; Amylmetacresol 0.6mg; Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2mg

Disponible desde:

Reckitt Benckiser (New Zealand) Limited

Designación común internacional (DCI):

Amylmetacresol 0.6 mg



formulario farmacéutico:



Active: Amylmetacresol 0.6mg   Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2mg   Excipient: Isomalt Maltitol Ponceau 4R Saccharin sodium Strawberry flavour 052312 AP0551 Tartaric acid Active: Amylmetacresol 0.6mg Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2mg Excipient: Isomalt Maltitol Pink - Antho P-WS Saccharin sodium Strawberry flavour 052312 AP0551 Tartaric acid

Unidades en paquete:

Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic, 2 lozenges


General sale

tipo de receta:

General sale

Fabricado por:

BASF PharmaChemikalien GmbH & Co KG

Resumen del producto:

Package - Contents - Shelf Life: Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 2 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 2 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 4 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 4 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 6 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 6 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 8 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 8 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 12 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 12 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 16 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 16 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 24 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 24 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Improved Duplex PVC/90 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 36 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C - Blister pack, Standard Duplex PVC/40 gsm PVdC/Al Foil / PVC/Acrylic - 36 lozenges - 24 months from date of manufacture stored at or below 25°C

Fecha de autorización:
