保多力液 Taiwán - chino - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


三和藥廠西藥販賣部 彰化巿成功路156號 - valeriana tincture;;ferric ammonium citrate;;quinine (chininum);;aurantii tincture;;aromatic tincture;;thiamine nitrate;;riboflavin (vit b2);;niacinamide (nicotinamide) - 內服液劑 - quinine (chininum) (0820000600) (tincture) 0.5ml; ferric ammonium citrate (2004400100) 1250mg; valeriana tincture (2824000680) 3.0ml; aurantii tincture (5628000980) 6.5ml; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 20mg; thiamine nitrate (8810101000) 10.0mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 4mg; aromatic tincture (9600048600) 5.0ml - 貧血起因諸症(體質虛弱、產前產後、病後回復期等之補血

保妳糖衣錠 Taiwán - chino - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


范士貿易股份有限公司 台北巿重慶南路一段11之1號1F (36540522) - rhubarb powder (eq to powdered rhubarb);;valeriana;;cinnamon powder (cinnamon cortex powder);;cnidium powdered;;atractylodes lancea rhizoma powder;;pendy powdered;;hoelen powdered;;angelica;;cyperus powdered;;evodiamine powder;;pinellia powdered;;ginseng powder;;safflower powdered;;thiamine hydrochloride;;riboflavin (vit b2);;pyridoxine hcl;;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;pantothenate calcium;;folic acid;;taurine (eq to 2-aminoethane sulfonic acid);;tocopherol succinate;;ferri pomati;;biotin d(+)-;;lecithin soya;;aluminum silicate - 糖衣錠 - valeriana (2824000600) (powd) 17.250mg; evodiamine powder (3856000101) 3.333mg; safflower powdered (4020001510) 4.167mg; cinnamon powder (cinnamon cortex powder) (5610000103) 14.167mg; rhubarb powder (eq to powdered rhubarb) (5612002302) 14.583mg; biotin d(+)- (8810000101) 0.083mcg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 0.417mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 0.083mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 0.042mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 0.083mcg; folic acid (8811600100) 0.042mg; pantothenate calcium (8812300200) 0.417mg; tocopherol succinate (8820000400) 0.417mg; taurine (eq to 2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) (9200000900) 7.500mg; ginseng powder (9200004004) 3.333mg; lecithin soya (9200005430) 0.833mg; angelica (9200017900) (powd) 25.000mg; cnidium powdered (9200024901) 8.333mg; pendy powdered (9200025101) 25.000mg; hoelen powdered (9200025201) 14.583mg; cyperus powdered (9200025401) 4.167mg; pinellia powdered (9200025501) 6.250mg; atractylodes lancea rhizoma powder (9200026011) 8.333mg; aluminum silicate (9600002000) (syn.) 29.912mg; ferri pomati (9900017900) 0.833mg - 更年期障礙所引起的諸症狀(肩酸痛、頭痛、頭重、神經痛、冷感症、便秘、生理不順、月經痛、生理異常、全身倦怠、目暈耳鳴、下腹腰痛)