Endoscope Drying/Storage Chamber - Endoscope drying/storage chamber

País: Australia

Idioma: inglés

Fuente: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Disponible desde:

Babich Maintenance & Steriliser Services Pty Ltd


Class I

Fabricado por:

LTE Scientific Ltd Green Bridge Road Greenfield, Oldham, OL3 7EN United Kingdom

Área terapéutica:

45635 - Endoscope drying/storage chamber

indicaciones terapéuticas:

The endoscope cabinet is designed as a storage cabinet for endoscopes that have been subjected to a separate disinfection process. The cabinet has been designed to ensure that disinfected endoscopes can be kept in a clean environment prior to being used in further medical procedures. The clean environment is maintained by passing filter air over the endoscopes when they are stored in the cabinet in their individual storage racks. This is pumped into the cabinet through a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. Scopes can be stored up to 30 days.

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