Wound retractor, intermediate/deep

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Available from:

Medical & Optical Instruments Australia Pty Ltd


Class I

Manufactured by:

Zepf Medical Instruments GmbH Gunninger Strasse 21, Seitingen-Oberflacht, Tuttingen, D-78606 Germany

Therapeutic area:

45918 - Wound retractor, intermediate/deep

Therapeutic indications:

A hand-held, manually-operated, surgical instrument used to separate/draw aside the margins of a full-thickness or near-full-thickness incision or injury (i.e., the skin and underlying connective tissue, skeletal muscle) during a surgical intervention. It is available in a wide variety of designs such as a double- or single-ended blade that may be fenestrated (pronged); some types may have a hooked blade or even have a wire-like frame design. Deep wound retractors are typically designed with a long, curved blade that may be fenestrated and that can reach deep inside the wound, and may also help retract organs. The device is made of high-grade stainless steel. This is a reusable device.

Authorization status:


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