Thermo-mechanical skin surface treatment system

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Available from:

AC Newco Pty Ltd


Class IIb

Manufactured by:

Brera Medical Technologies S.r.l. Localita Terzerie Zona Industriale, Ogliastro Cilento SA, 84061 Italy

Therapeutic area:

62362 - Thermo-mechanical skin surface treatment system

Therapeutic indications:

A non-invasive device used to generate plasma through electric discharge without ablative effects on the skin. The device is used to perform blepharoplasty, treat dyschromia, periumbilical striae distensae, lentigo, removal of keloids, warts, fibroids, naevus, xanthelasma, dyskeratosis, improvement of post acne and unhealed areas, non-pharmalogical treatment of acne, hypertrophic scars, cutaneous fibroma and verruca vulgaris, and for resurfacing of the epidermis and upper papillary dermis related to dyspigmentation, telangiectasias, wrinkling, and skin laxity.

Authorization status:


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