Softener Body Wash Moonlight Glow (NEW SKIN YOUTH REVOLUTION PLUS)

Country: Indonesia

Language: Indonesian

Source: Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI - Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency

Available from:

SUKMA SKIN TREATMENT, PT Kab Tangerang, Banten

Pharmaceutical form:

Cairan Kental

Units in package:

Botol, Dus 100 mL, Botol, Dus 200 mL, Botol, Dus 250 mL, Botol, Dus 300 mL, Botol, Dus 350 mL, Botol, Dus 500 mL, Botol, Dus 100



Manufactured by:

Sukma Skin Treatment, PT - Kab Tangerang

Authorization status:

Berlakus/d 30-07-2026

Authorization date:


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