膚定寧抗生素紗布 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


杉川企業有限公司 台北巿林森北路67巷23號 (34148517) - polyethylene glycol 1500;;betamethasone 17-valerate;;polyethylene glycol 4000;;neomycin sulfate;;polyethylene glycol 400;;liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil);;tyrothricin - 衛生材料 - neomycin sulfate (0812100530) 3.5mg; tyrothricin (5204400100) 1mg; betamethasone 17-valerate (6804000251) 1mg; liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) 22mg; polyethylene glycol 1500 (8424121300) 255.2mg; polyethylene glycol 400 (8424121800) 483mg; polyethylene glycol 4000 (8424121900) 115.2mg - 癢疹、癤瘡、?疹、濕疹、膿?炎

淚膜眼藥膏 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


瑞士商愛爾康大藥廠股份有限公司台灣分公司 台北縣新店市寶中路119號四樓 (20916488) - liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) - 點眼膏劑 - liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) 30.0mg - other ophthalmologicals - 乾燥性眼睛之潤滑、保護劑

虎標驅風油 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣虎標永安堂股份有限公司 台北市建國北路二段147號4樓401室 - lavender oil;;menthol;;turpentine oil;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;camphor;;liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil);;methyl salicylate - 外用液劑 - camphor (8408000100) 0.15gm; menthol (8408000300) (crystal) 0.89gm; turpentine oil (8410000505) 0.24ml; liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) q.s.; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 0.78ml; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 0.21ml; lavender oil (9600017305) 0.12ml - 頭暈目眩、舟車暈浪、頭刺牙痛、手足酸痛、傷風鼻塞、皮膚痕癢、提神醒腦、肚痛

石油精(160°-200°C)                P Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

石油精(160°-200°C)                p

派德股份有限公司 桃園市中壢區自強四路3-1號 (43202511) - liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) - 原料藥溶液劑 - 主成分 () ; liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) - 溶劑

石油精(60°-70°C)                  P Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

石油精(60°-70°C)                  p

派德股份有限公司 桃園市中壢區自強四路3-1號 (43202511) - liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) - 原料藥溶液劑 - 主成分 () ; liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) - 溶劑

中華藥典第二版液體石蠟"洸洋" Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


洸洋化學製藥股份有限公司 板橋市信義路26巷10號 (15013427) - liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) - 原料藥溶液劑 - 主成分 () ; liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) - soft paraffin and fat products - 潤滑劑

目滴舒眼用軟膏〝美國愛爾康〞 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


瑞士商愛爾康大藥廠股份有限公司台灣分公司 台北縣新店市寶中路119號四樓 (20916488) - liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil);;white soft paraffin (eq to white petrolatum)(eq to paraffin white soft);;dexamethasone sodium sulfobenzoate - 點眼膏劑 - dexamethasone sodium sulfobenzoate (6804000650) 0.5mg; liquid paraffin (eq to liquid petrolatum)( eq to mineral oil) (8424120600) 30.0mg; white soft paraffin (eq to white petrolatum)(eq to paraffin white soft) (8424120800) add to 1gm - dexamethasone - 結膜炎、角膜炎、鞏膜炎、虹彩毛樣體炎、過敏性眼炎

瑞骨卓35毫克膜衣錠 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


旭能醫藥生技股份有限公司 苗栗縣竹南鎮科研路25號 (53311974) - risedronate sodium - 膜衣錠 - risedronate sodium (9200096300) (risedronate sodium hemipentahydrate)mg - risedronic acid - 一、治療及預防停經後的骨質疏鬆症。二、治療具有高度骨折風險(定義為有骨質疏鬆症骨折病史,或具有多項骨折危險因子)之骨質疏鬆症男性患者,以增加骨質(bone mass)。

點必舒眼藥膏 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


台灣諾華股份有限公司 台北市中山區民生東路三段2號8樓 (01516589) - dexamethasone;;tobramycin - 點眼膏劑 - tobramycin (0812100900) mg; dexamethasone (6804000600) mg - dexamethasone and antiinfectives - 對類固醇具有感受性之眼部疾患

"南光"皮得朗乳膏 Taiwan - Chinese - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


南光化學製藥股份有限公司 臺南市新化區全興里中山路1001號、1001-1號 (69275313) - econazole nitrate;;triamcinolone acetonide - 乳膏劑 - econazole nitrate (0812201410) mg; triamcinolone acetonide (6804001610) mg - imidazoles/triazoles in combination with corticosteroids - 治療皮膚表淺性黴菌感染,如足癬(香港腳)、股癬、汗斑。緩解濕疹或皮膚炎。