RECIPE ClinRep HPLC Complete Kit for Metanephrines in Urine

Country: Singapore

Language: English

Source: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Class B IVD

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Therapeutic area:

Clinical chemistry

Therapeutic indications:

The ClinRep® Complete Kit for Metanephrines in Urine with is intended for the quantitative determination of the metanephrines (=metanephrine, normetanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine) from human urine with HPLC

Product summary:

Models: RECIPE ClinRep® HPLC Complete Kit for Metanephrines in Urine - 4000, Mobile Phase for Metanephrines in Urine - 4010, Standard Solution for Metanephrines in Urine - 4011, Urine Control, lyophil. Level II for Metanephrines in Urine - 8821, Urine Control, lyophil. Level I for Metanephrines in Urine - 8820, S Stabilising Reagent for Metanephrines in Urine - 4025, E Eluting Reagent for Metanephrines in Urine - 4024, W Washing Solution for Metanephrines in Urine - 4023, D Diluting Solution for Metanephrines in Urine - 4022, IS Internal Standard for Metanephrines in Urine - 4012, Urine Control, lyophil. Level I and II for Metanephrines in Urine - 8822, Sample Preparation Columns for Metanephrines in Urine - 4020, Urine Calibrator, lyophil. for Metanephrines in Urine - 4013, Analytical Column with test chromatogram for Metanephrines in Urine - 4030

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