Qiagen artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit

Country: Singapore

Language: English

Source: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Class C IVD

Manufactured by:

Qiagen GmbH

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Therapeutic indications:

The artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit is an in vitro nucleic acid amplification test for the quantitation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA in human EDTA plasma. This diagnostic test kit utilizes the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and is configured for use with the QIAsymphony SP/AS and Rotor-Gene Q instruments. Plasma samples containing Group M Subtypes A–H have been validated for use in the assay. The artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit is intended for use in conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory markers for disease prognosis and for use as an aid in assessing viral response to antiretroviral treatment as measured by changes in human EDTA plasma HIV-1 RNA levels. The artus HI Virus-1 QS RGQ Kit is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection.

Product summary:

Models: artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit (24) - 4513363, artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit (72) - 4513366, QIAsymphony DSP Virus/Pathogen Mini Kit - 937036, QIAsymphony DSP Virus/Pathogen Midi Kit - 937055, QIAsymphony SP - 9001297, Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5Plex HRM - 9002030, Rotor-Gene Q MDx software version 2.3.4 - 9023241, QIAsymphony AS - 9001301, QIAsymphony V4 AS RGQ artus Protocols - 9022521

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