CSL New Zealand Rh(D) Immunoglobulin-VF (Human Anti-D Rho Immunoglobulin), 250 IU, solution for injection, vial

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Active ingredient:

human immunoglobulin G, Quantity: 10 mg/mL; anti-D Rho immunoglobulin, Quantity: 250 IU

Available from:

CSL Behring Australia Pty Ltd

INN (International Name):

anti-D Rho immunoglobulin,human immunoglobulin G

Pharmaceutical form:

Injection, solution


Excipient Ingredients: glycine

Administration route:


Units in package:

250 IU

Prescription type:

(S1) This Schedule is intentionally blank

Therapeutic indications:

Rh(D) Immunoglobulin-VF is indicated for the prevention of Rh sensitisation in Rh(D) negative females at or below child bearing age.

Product summary:

Visual Identification: Colourless, clear to opalescent solution; Container Type: Vial; Container Life Time: 2 Years; Container Temperature: Store at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius

Authorization status:

Listed (Export Only)

Authorization date:
