colimix syrup

Country: Kenya

Language: English

Source: Pharmacy and Poisons Board

Active ingredient:

Dicyclomine HCLsimethicone

Available from:

Xepa-Soul Pattinson(M)Sdn Bhd 1-5 Cheng Industrial Estate 75520 Malacca Malaysia

ATC code:


INN (International Name):

Dicyclomine HCLsimethicone


Dicyclomine hcl 5mg/5mlsimethicone 50mg/5ml

Pharmaceutical form:


Administration route:


Manufactured by:

Xepa-Soul Pattinson

Therapeutic area:

Drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders:

Product summary:

Shelf life: 36 months; Description: Sweetly flavoured orange colour syrup in a bottle

Authorization status:

Registered - Valid

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