Clinical data collection/management information application software

Country: Australia

Language: English

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Available from:

Compliance Management Solutions


Class IIa

Manufactured by:

IEM GmbH Gewerbepark Brand 42, Aachen, 52078 Germany

Therapeutic area:

57967 - Clinical data collection/management information application software

Therapeutic indications:

The HMS CS software and related accessories are used to prepare medical equipment for the purpose of measuring the blood pressure and vascular state of a patient. The software is intended to be used to measure, analyze, format, display, print and store cardiovascular parameters to assist in and monitor diagnoses and hypertension. The analysis of the blood pressure parameters allows the doctor to adjust the patient?s medication accordingly and provide the patient with relevant lifestyle advice. HMS CS may only be used by or following the instructions of a medical doctor. Only a medical doctor may analyze the recorded and displayed HMS CS data.

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