Medical device cleaning sponge

Land: Australien

Sprache: Englisch

Quelle: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Temps Medical Pty Ltd


Class I

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Temps Medical Sl Calle Lluis Millet 106 bj2, El Masnou, Barcelona, 08320 Spain


61965 - Medical device cleaning sponge


The Medical soapy sponge is a novel product indicated for the daily hygiene of a patient and designed to achieve a complete, fast, simple and effective cleaning. They represent a breakthrough and play a vital role for caregivers and health professionals since they are responsible for providing daily hygiene to bedridden or mobility impaired patients. We are facing the perfect solution to prevent cross infections and reduce the costs that they entail. To date, traditional washing required warm water, soap, hand wipes, gauze, towels, lotion, etc. With the disposable soapy sponges, the carer will be able to do without all these and unify all the previous to a single product. The soapy sponges are dermatologically tested, with a pH neutral 5.5, valid for any type of skin even the most sensitive. Hospitals in Spain use our soapy sponge for the first bath of a newborn baby, as it has been proven to be soft and efficient in cleaning the skin. The use of soap sponge has numerous clinical advantages; decreases the re





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