Chanox vet 50 mg/ ml Norge - norsk - Statens legemiddelverk

chanox vet 50 mg/ ml

chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - toltrazuril - mikstur, suspensjon - 50 mg/ ml

GELLIFLOX 100 MG/ML SOLUZIONE INIETTABILE PER BOVINI E SUINI Italien - italiensk - Ministero della Salute

gelliflox 100 mg/ml soluzione iniettabile per bovini e suini

chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - enrofloxacina - enrofloxacina - 100 mg/ml - enrofloxacin

Imoxat Den Europæiske Union - ungarsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - imidakloprid, moxidectin - antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents, macrocyclic lactones, milbemycins - cats; dogs; ferrets - for cats suffering from, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections:• the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (ctenocephalides felis),• the treatment of ear mite infestation (otodectes cynotis),• the treatment of notoedric mange (notoedres cati),• the treatment of the lungworm eucoleus aerophilus (syn. capillaria aerophila) (adults),• the prevention of lungworm disease (l3/l4 larvae of aelurostrongylus abstrusus),• the treatment of the lungworm aelurostrongylus abstrusus (adults),• the treatment of the eye worm thelazia callipaeda (adults),• the prevention of heartworm disease (l3 and l4 larvae of dirofilaria immitis),• the treatment of infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (l4 larvae, immature adults and adults of toxocara cati and ancylostoma tubaeforme). az állatgyógyászati ​​készítmény használható a bolha allergiás dermatitisz (fad) kezelési stratégiájának részeként,.  for ferrets suffering from, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections:• the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (ctenocephalides felis),• the prevention of heartworm disease (l3 and l4 larvae of dirofilaria immitis).  for dogs suffering from, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections:• the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (ctenocephalides felis),• the treatment of biting lice (trichodectes canis),• the treatment of ear mite infestation (otodectes cynotis), sarcoptic mange (caused by sarcoptes scabiei var. canis), demodicosis (caused by demodex canis),• the prevention of heartworm disease (l3 and l4 larvae of dirofilaria immitis),• the treatment of circulating microfilariae (dirofilaria immitis),• the treatment of cutaneous dirofilariosis (adult stages of dirofilaria repens)• the prevention of cutaneous dirofilariosis (l3 larvae of dirofilaria repens),• the reduction of circulating microfilariae (dirofilaria repens),• the prevention of angiostrongylosis (l4 larvae and immature adults of angiostrongylus vasorum),• the treatment of angiostrongylus vasorum and crenosoma vulpis,• the prevention of spirocercosis (spirocerca lupi),• the treatment of eucoleus (syn. capillaria) boehmi (adults),• the treatment of the eye worm thelazia callipaeda (adults),• the treatment of infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (l4 larvae, immature adults and adults of toxocara canis, ancylostoma caninum and uncinaria stenocephala, adults of toxascaris leonina and trichuris vulpis). az állatgyógyászati ​​készítmény használható a bolha allergiás dermatitisz (fad) kezelési stratégiájának részeként,.

SIRDIS Italien - italiensk - Ministero della Salute


chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - benazepril cloridrato - benazepril cloridrato - 2.5 milligrammo (i), benazepril cloridrato - 20 milligrammo (i), benazepril cloridrato - 5 milligrammo (i), benazepril cloridrato - 5 mg, benazepril cloridrato - 2.5 mg, benazepril cloridrato - 20 mg - benazepril

GELLIFLOX 50 MG/ML SOLUZIONE INIETTABILE PER BOVINI E SUINI Italien - italiensk - Ministero della Salute

gelliflox 50 mg/ml soluzione iniettabile per bovini e suini

chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - enrofloxacina - enrofloxacina - 50 mg/ml - enrofloxacin

Chanhold Den Europæiske Union - ungarsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - szelamektint - parazitaellenes szerek, rovarirtó szerek és repellensek - cats; dogs - a kutya meg a macska: - kezelés, megelőzés a bolha a fertőzés által okozott ctenocephalides spp. egy hónapon keresztül egyetlen beadást követően. ez a termék felnőttkémiai, larvicid és ovicidal tulajdonságainak következménye. a készítmény a dózis beadása után 3 hétig ovicid. a bolha lakosságának csökkenése révén a terhes és laktáló állatok havi kezelése segítséget nyújt a bolhafertőzések megelőzésében az alom hét hetes korában. a termék használható részeként, a kezelési stratégia bolha allergia dermatitis, valamint a ovicidal, larvicidal fellépés segíthet a szabályozás a meglévő környezeti bolha betegségek azokon a területeken, amelyeket az állat rendelkezik hozzáféréssel. havi beadással a dirofilaria immitis okozta szívférgesség-megbetegedések megelőzése. a termék biztonságosan lehet alkalmazni, állatok fertőzött felnőtt heartworms, azonban ajánlatos, összhangban a helyes állatorvosi gyakorlat, hogy minden állat 6 hónappal fiatalabb, vagy több élő azokban az országokban, ahol a vektor létezik, meg kell vizsgálni, hogy a meglévő felnőtt heartworm fertőzések megkezdése előtt a gyógyszert a termék. ajánlott továbbá, hogy a kutyákat meg kell vizsgálni, hogy rendszeresen a felnőtt heartworm fertőzések, szerves részeként egy heartworm megelőzési stratégia, akkor is, ha a termék alkalmazták havi. ez a termék nem hatékony a felnőtt d ellen. immitisből. fülülők (otodectes cynotis) kezelése. macskák:tetvesség (felicola subrostratus)kezelés a kifejlett orsóférgek (toxocara cati)kezelés a felnőtt kampósférgek (ancylostoma tubaeforme)tetvesség (trichodectes canis)sarcoptes rüh (által okozott sarcoptes scabiei).

Imoxat Den Europæiske Union - rumænsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - imidacloprid, moxidectin - antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents, macrocyclic lactones, milbemycins - cats; dogs; ferrets - for cats suffering from, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections:• the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (ctenocephalides felis),• the treatment of ear mite infestation (otodectes cynotis),• the treatment of notoedric mange (notoedres cati),• the treatment of the lungworm eucoleus aerophilus (syn. capillaria aerophila) (adults),• the prevention of lungworm disease (l3/l4 larvae of aelurostrongylus abstrusus),• the treatment of the lungworm aelurostrongylus abstrusus (adults),• the treatment of the eye worm thelazia callipaeda (adults),• the prevention of heartworm disease (l3 and l4 larvae of dirofilaria immitis),• the treatment of infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (l4 larvae, immature adults and adults of toxocara cati and ancylostoma tubaeforme). produsul medicinal veterinar poate fi utilizat ca parte a unei strategii de tratament pentru dermatita alergică la purici (fad).  for ferrets suffering from, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections:• the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (ctenocephalides felis),• the prevention of heartworm disease (l3 and l4 larvae of dirofilaria immitis).  for dogs suffering from, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infections:• the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (ctenocephalides felis),• the treatment of biting lice (trichodectes canis),• the treatment of ear mite infestation (otodectes cynotis), sarcoptic mange (caused by sarcoptes scabiei var. canis), demodicosis (caused by demodex canis),• the prevention of heartworm disease (l3 and l4 larvae of dirofilaria immitis),• the treatment of circulating microfilariae (dirofilaria immitis),• the treatment of cutaneous dirofilariosis (adult stages of dirofilaria repens)• the prevention of cutaneous dirofilariosis (l3 larvae of dirofilaria repens),• the reduction of circulating microfilariae (dirofilaria repens),• the prevention of angiostrongylosis (l4 larvae and immature adults of angiostrongylus vasorum),• the treatment of angiostrongylus vasorum and crenosoma vulpis,• the prevention of spirocercosis (spirocerca lupi),• the treatment of eucoleus (syn. capillaria) boehmi (adults),• the treatment of the eye worm thelazia callipaeda (adults),• the treatment of infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (l4 larvae, immature adults and adults of toxocara canis, ancylostoma caninum and uncinaria stenocephala, adults of toxascaris leonina and trichuris vulpis). produsul medicinal veterinar poate fi utilizat ca parte a unei strategii de tratament pentru dermatita alergică la purici (fad).

Inflacam Den Europæiske Union - italiensk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - meloxicam - anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic products, non-steroids - horses; dogs; cats; cattle; pigs - cani: attenuazione dell'infiammazione e del dolore nei disturbi muscolo-scheletrici sia acuti che cronici. ridurre il dolore e l'infiammazione post-operatori dopo la chirurgia ortopedica e dei tessuti molli. gatti: per ridurre il dolore post-operatorio dopo ovarioisterectomia e lieve chirurgia dei tessuti molli. riduzione di entità da lieve a moderato dolore post-operatorio e l'infiammazione a seguito di procedure chirurgiche nei gatti, e. ortopedica e dei tessuti molli, chirurgia. alleviare il dolore e l'infiammazione acuta e cronica disturbi muscolo-scheletrici in gatti. bovini: da utilizzare nell'infezione respiratoria acuta con un'appropriata terapia antibiotica per ridurre i segni clinici. da utilizzare in caso di diarrea in associazione con la terapia di reidratazione orale per ridurre i segni clinici nei vitelli di oltre una settimana di età e nei bovini giovani non in lattazione. per terapia aggiuntiva nel trattamento della mastite acuta, in combinazione con terapia antibiotica. per il sollievo dal dolore post-operatorio dopo la decornazione nei vitelli. suini: da utilizzare in disturbi locomotori non infettivi per ridurre i sintomi di zoppia e infiammazione. per terapia aggiuntiva nel trattamento della setticemia puerperale e della tossiemia (sindrome mastite-metrite-agalassia) con terapia antibiotica appropriata. per il sollievo dal dolore post-operatorio associato a tessuti molli minori come la castrazione. cavalli: alleviamento dell'infiammazione e sollievo dal dolore nei disturbi muscolo-scheletrici sia acuti che cronici. per il sollievo dal dolore associato alla colica equina.

Chanhold Den Europæiske Union - rumænsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - selamectină - produse antiparazitare, insecticide și repellente - cats; dogs - câini și pisici:tratamentul și prevenirea infestației cu purici cauzate de ctenocephalides spp. timp de o lună după o singură administrare. aceasta este rezultatul proprietăților adulticide, larvicide și ovicide ale produsului. produsul este ovicidal timp de 3 săptămâni după administrare. prin reducerea populației de purici, tratamentul lunar al animalelor însărcinate și care alăptează va contribui, de asemenea, la prevenirea infestărilor cu purici în lamă până la șapte săptămâni. produsul poate fi utilizat ca parte a unei strategii de tratament pentru dermatita alergică la purici și prin acțiunea sa ovicidă și larvicidă poate ajuta la controlul infestărilor cu purici de mediu existente în zonele în care animalul are acces. prevenirea bolii cardiace cauzată de dirofilaria immitis cu administrare lunară. produsul poate fi administrat în siguranță la animale infectate cu dirofilarii adulte, cu toate acestea, este recomandat, în conformitate cu bunele practici veterinare, că toate animalele cu vârsta de 6 luni sau mai mult de viață în țările în care un vector există ar trebui să fie testate pentru existente adult heartworm infecții înainte de a începe medicamente cu produsul. este recomandat, de asemenea, câinii ar trebui să fie testate periodic pentru adult heartworm infecții, ca parte integrantă a unui prevenirea dirofilariozei cardiovasculare strategie, chiar și atunci când produsul a fost administrat lunar. acest produs nu este eficient împotriva d adult. immitis. tratamentul acarienilor (otodectes cynotis). pisici:tratamentul păduchi hematofagi (felicola subrostratus)tratamentul formelor adulte de viermi intestinali rotunzi (toxocara cati)tratamentul formelor adulte de viermi intestinali (ancylostoma tubaeforme)tratamentul păduchi hematofagi (trichodectes canis)tratamentul râiei sarcoptice (determinata de sarcoptes scabiei).

ZERONIL SOLUZIONE SPOT ON PER GATTI E CANI Italien - italiensk - Ministero della Salute

zeronil soluzione spot on per gatti e cani

chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing ltd - fipronil - fipronil - 100 milligrammi/millilitro (mg/ml), fipronil - 100 milligrammo (i), fipronil - 1000 mg/ml, fipronil - 100 pipetta, fipronil - 100 mg/ml - fipronil, combinations