Excelsius Medical Micron M7- Refractive Excimer Laser System

Land: Singapore

Sprog: engelsk

Kilde: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Tilgængelig fra:

Mandarin Opto-Medic Co Pte Ltd


Class C medical device

Fremstillet af:

Excelsius Medical GmbH

Terapeutisk område:


Terapeutiske indikationer:

The Micron M7 is made for corneal refractive error correction, which includes: myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. It is to be used in a surgery environment by a trained Ophthalmologist.

Produkt oversigt:

Device System Info:[System or Procedure Pack], Refractive Excimer Laser System; Models: Excimer Refractive Laser - Micron M7, Testing Box - 4251541900281, Testing Eyepiece - 4251541902407, Eyepiece - 4251541902391, Filter Set - 4251541900182

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