ICU Medical MedNet™ Medication Management Suite (MMS)

País: Singapur

Idioma: anglès

Font: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

Compra'l ara

Disponible des:



Class B medical device

Fabricat per:

ICU Medical, Inc.

Área terapéutica:

General Hospital

indicaciones terapéuticas:

The ICU Medical MedNet™ Medication Management Suite (MMS) is intended to facilitate networked communication between MMS compatible computer systems and MMS compatible Infusion pumps. The MMS provides trained healthcare professionals with the capability to send, receive, report, and store information from interfaced external systems, and to configure and edit infusion programming parameters. The MMS is intended to provide a way to automate the programming of infusion parameters, thereby decreasing the amount of manual steps necessary to enter infusion data. All data entry and validation of infusion parameters is performed by a trained healthcare professional according to physician’s orders.

Resumen del producto:

Models: ICU Medical MedNet Medication Management Suite (MMS) - 16037

Data d'autorització:


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