妊離樂錠2.5公絲 تايوان - الصينية - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


歐嘉隆股份有限公司 台北巿中山區民權東路三段6號5樓 (01517638) - lynestrenol;;estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol) - 錠劑 - estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol) (6816000600) 0.05mg; lynestrenol (6832000600) 2.5mg - lynestrenol and ethinylestradiol - 抑制排卵

莉芙錠 تايوان - الصينية - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


嬌生股份有限公司 台北市大安區敦化南路二段319號4、5樓 (30814854) - estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol);;norgestimate;;estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol);;norgestimate;;estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol);;norgestimate - 錠劑 - estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol) (6816000600) mg; norgestimate (6832002400) mg; estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol) (6816000600) mg; norgestimate (6832002400) mg; estradiol ethinyl (eq to ethinyloestradiol)(eq to ethinylestradiol) (6816000600) mg; norgestimate (6832002400) mg - norgestimate and estrogen - 1.避孕。2.治療十五歲以上女性之中度尋常性痤瘡。該女性須為已有月經,打算避孕,對口服避孕藥治療未有已知的禁忌症,且對局部使用之抗痤瘡藥物反應不佳者