八仙感百安感冒液 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


漁人製藥股份有限公司 高雄市左營區民族一路707號 (83648834) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;senega;;carbetapentane citrate (eq to pentoxyverine citrate);;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;chlorpheniramine maleate;;caffeine anhydrous - 內服液劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 0.1mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) 0.4mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 12.5mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 1mg; carbetapentane citrate (eq to pentoxyverine citrate) (4800000510) 0.4mg; senega (5620000500) (syrup) 0.068ml - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(咽喉痛、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉痛、流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咳嗽)

風感寧感冒液 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


賜利優醫藥生技有限公司 彰化縣彰化市茄苳里茄苳路二段251巷臨115-1號1樓 (27277583) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;dextromethorphan hbr;;guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin);;caffeine anhydrous;;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;chlorpheniramine maleate - 內服液劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) mg; dextromethorphan hbr (4800001010) mg; guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin) (4800001420) mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(鼻塞、流鼻水、打噴嚏、咳嗽、咽喉痛、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉痛)。

快感感冒液〝溫士頓〞 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


溫士頓醫藥股份有限公司 台南市永康區鹽洲里仁愛街117號 (72082135) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;chlorpheniramine maleate;;caffeine anhydrous;;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin);;glycyrrhiza extract - 內服液劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 0.12mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) 0.5mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 15mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 1.5mg; guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin) (4800001420) 2.5mg; glycyrrhiza extract (9200004401) 6mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(鼻塞、流鼻水、打噴嚏、喀痰、咽喉痛、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉痛)。

衛克感─綜合感冒膠囊 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


康百佳實業有限公司 台北市南京西路76號6樓之3 (89333570) - paracetamol dc;;ascorbic acid fc;;caffeine;;chlorpheniramine maleate - 膠囊劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) mg; paracetamol dc (2808000150) mg; caffeine (2820000400) mg; ascorbic acid fc (8816000130) mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉痛、畏寒、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉酸痛)。

〝美西〞甜兒菜感冒熱飲顆粒 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


美西製藥有限公司 高雄市仁武區仁武里工業一路9號 (85610030) - chlorpheniramine maleate;;acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;salicylamide;;caffeine anhydrous - 內服顆粒劑 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 0.5mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 25mg; salicylamide (2808601400) 45mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 5mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(咽喉痛、畏寒、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉酸痛、流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏)。

救人感冒液 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


澳斯麗國際股份有限公司淡水廠 新北市淡水區北新路三段一二三之一號 (12935103) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;dextromethorphan hbr;;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin);;dl-chlorpheniramine maleate;;caffeine anhydrous - 內服液劑 - dl-chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000813) 0.12mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) 0.5mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 15mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 2.25mg; dextromethorphan hbr (4800001010) 0.74mg; guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin) (4800001420) 3.75mg - other cold preparations - 感冒諸症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉痛、咳嗽、喀痰、發熱、頭痛)之緩解

"回春堂"綜合感冒顆粒 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


回春堂製藥廠股份有限公司 桃園市新屋區社子村社子8號 (35127383) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;dextromethorphan hbr;;dl-methylephedrine hcl;;guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin);;carbinoxamine maleate;;caffeine anhydrous;;thiamine mononitrate;;riboflavin (vit b2) - 內服顆粒劑 - carbinoxamine maleate (0400000610) mg; dl-methylephedrine hcl (1212001813) mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) mg; dextromethorphan hbr (4800001010) mg; guaiacol glyceryl ether (eq to guaifenesin) (4800001420) mg; thiamine mononitrate (8810101001) mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) mg - other cold preparations - 感冒諸症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉痛、咳嗽、喀痰、畏寒、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉痛等)。